S'more - meaning and definition. What is S'more
Online Dictionary

What (who) is S'more - definition

Um s'more é um petisco tradicional para fogueiras noturnas popular nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, consistindo de um marshmallow assado no fogo e uma camada de chocolate entre duas fatias de graham cracker. O Dia Nacional dos S'mores é comemorado anualmente em 10 de agosto.
Examples of use of S'more
1. Its more progress in three to four months than weve seen in 10 years.
2. Whats more, I felt that surviving her ghastly experiences had made her a wiser person.
3. Thats more than Japan and the 25 nations of the European Union combined.
4. But these days its more like a game of Russian roulette.
5. McCLELLAN:В Les, if theres more to get to you, I will.